An excellent choice for those seeking to work hard for rewards while exploring remote areas.
The Heli Assisted Ski Tour Adventure (HASTA) is an ideal choice for those who like to earn their turns, but are eager to explore terrain off the beaten path. The day starts off in the morning with a helicopter ride to a highpoint within the 750,000 acres of the Sun Valley Heli Ski permit. From there, your guide and group will spend the remainder of the day skiing and touring back to a pre arranged pick up point for a helicopter ride back out. Some backcountry experience and familiarity with ski touring is recommended. This trip requires the use of backcountry touring equipment. This includes alpine touring equipment for skiers and split boards for snowboarders. SVHS does not provide this equipment. If you do not have your own equipment, rentals through local backcountry shops are available.

$5,000 / Group of 4
SVHS requires clients to fully complete a binding on-line registration form and place a non-refundable $3,000 in order to reserve a HASTA group of up to 4 people. If we are unable to fly due to weather we offer a 100% credit to remain on file. Please see our Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page for more details.
Please be sure to give yourself plenty of time for stretching to ensure a great day of heli skiing and riding. Please make sure you have all the proper gear and equipment before leaving your accommodation. We strongly recommend that you speak with our staff about your equipment to be sure that you have the proper gear for backcountry skiing and riding no later than the day before your first heliski and riding day.
You will need to attend a safety briefing prior to flying with us. Attending this briefing is mandatory for all guests. We typically hold the briefing on the morning of the fly day at 8 am at our headquarters at the Sun Valley Gun Club. On some occasions, we may pre-brief groups in advance. SVHS also requires that you sign a Waiver and Release prior to your fly day. We encourage you to read this important document prior to your briefing. It is available in the footer on the bottom of this page under “Waiver and Release”
On the morning of your fly day, you must participate in a brief Zoom call with a SVHS staff member and your fellow guests. The call will last approximately 10 minutes and generally covers the plan for the day, the weather and other related matters.
8:00 AM is our typical starting time, unless you are otherwise advised by our staff on the Zoom call. Sun Valley Heli Ski Headquarters is located at The Sun Valley Gun Club at 301 Trail Creek Road, at the end of Trail Creek Road in Sun Valley. It is imperative that you arrive on time with all of your gear as late arrivals can delay the entire group of skiers and riders.
The HASTA group of skiers and riders will likely be the first group to depart from the Gun Club. Field based avalanche Transceiver Training will take place prior to the first flight.
The HASTA group will land in a pre-designated location. Upon leaving the aircraft, the HASTA group will enjoy a guided ski tour in a route selected by SVHS’s staff and the guide in the field. The group will continue to ski tour throughout the day until their bodies cannot take any more or the end of the day.
Return from skiing. Lots of high 5’s! The actual return time will vary based upon the logistics of the day.
It is very important that you remain in contact with our staff and be on the morning Zoom call for arrival times and locations or weather or other delays. Your staging area and times will be provided in this fashion.